How we started
Befriend Motherwell was founded by Dalziel St. Andrew’s Church in 2010 following a legacy left to the congregation by a woman in New Zealand named Catherine Thomson. The money was to be used to benefit older adults in the local community.
The initial aims for the project were to set up one-to-one befriending matches in the local community.
The development of Befriend Motherwell has moved on considerably from the initial aims of the project to also include group befriending, telephone befriending and activities/events.

Continual Development
Befriend Motherwell achieved the Quality and Befriending award (QIB) in 2019 which is the only tailored award geared towards befriending services in the UK. As an organisation we strived to continue to develop and improve our service and as such we decided to aim for the Excellence award within Quality in Befriending which we obtained in 2020.
As an organisation to continue to be recognised by the awarding body, we have to undergo reaccreditation every three years. We passed our assessment in the Spring of 2023 to retain the QIB Excellence award.